
POSTED ON 27-07-2023

Enhancing Patient Safety: Implementing New Zealand's Nursing Standards in 2023

New Zealand, Nursing, Enhancing Patient Safety


As a nurse in New Zealand, you have an immense responsibility to give your patients the best possible care. Nursing standards will be updated in 2023 to assist guarantee patient safety and supporting nurses in this essential job. The new standards emphasize evidence-based practice, cultural competence, leadership, and professional development. Meeting these criteria will necessitate continual training and a dedication to continuous development in your practice. While change can be difficult, these standards are intended to strengthen the nursing profession and allow you to have an even bigger influence on the lives of your patients. By adopting the new standards, you will be helping to shape the future of nursing in New Zealand.

 To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes.

 Conduct comprehensive health assessments. This includes evaluating a patient’s medical history, current health conditions, and risk factors to develop customized care plans. Nurses should use empathetic communication and culturally sensitive interview techniques to gain a holistic understanding of the patient’s situation.

 Focus on health education and promotion. Nurses should teach patients about managing chronic illnesses, preventing disease, and maintaining wellness. They must provide information in an easy-to-understand manner and check that patients comprehend key points. Follow-up may be required to reinforce important concepts.


Emphasize patient-centered care. Care plans and interactions should revolve around patient values and priorities. Nurses should make an effort to understand patients’ perspectives and concerns, set mutual goals, and include patients and their wh?nau in decision-making.

Maintain high professional standards. Nurses must complete all required continued education and training to expand their knowledge and skills. They should also uphold strict ethical codes of conduct, patient confidentiality and privacy policies. High standards of practice help ensure patients receive safe, effective and compassionate care.


By diligently implementing these best practices, nurses can meet the new standards set by the Nursing Council and continue providing New Zealanders with world-class healthcare services. Patients will benefit from improved experiences, outcomes and an enhanced quality of life. Overall, these new standards aim to benefit both nurses and the communities they serve.


To enhance patient safety through improved communication and teamwork, New Zealand’s new nursing standards going into effect in 2023 aim to:


Promote a culture of open communication and psychological safety. Nurses should feel empowered to speak up if they notice any issues that could impact patient care without fear of repercussion. Regular interdisciplinary rounding and huddles can help foster an environment where every team member's input is valued.


Improve handoff communication. Standardizing handoff procedures between nurses during shift changes and transfers between units helps minimize the risk of losing or miscommunicating critical patient information. Thorough, structured handoffs should include details about the patient's condition, care plan, medications, allergies, and any recent or anticipated changes.


Increase collaboration between healthcare professionals. Patient care requires a multi-disciplinary approach with doctors, nurses, specialists, therapists, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals working together. Improving collaboration through team training, co-rounding, and shared governance gives the entire care team a more comprehensive view of the patient and a greater opportunity to provide high-quality, coordinated care.


Leverage technology to enhance communication. Technologies like electronic health records, telehealth, and secure messaging platforms can improve the timeliness, accuracy, and availability of patient health information to support effective communication and decision-making. However, technology should never replace in-person communication and relationship building.


By focusing on open communication, structured handoffs, interdisciplinary teamwork, and strategic use of technology, New Zealand's new nursing standards aim to significantly strengthen communication and collaboration in healthcare to promote patient safety. The well-being of patients depends on the entire care team's ability to work together cohesively.


To prevent infection and promote hand hygiene, several measures will be implemented as part of the new nursing standards.

Hand Washing:


Hand washing is considered the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infections in healthcare settings. Nurses will be required to thoroughly wash hands before and after direct contact with patients, after contact with contaminated surfaces, and after removing gloves. Proper hand washing technique involves:

  •  Wetting hands with water and applying soap
  • Rubbing hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds, covering all surfaces including backs of hands, between fingers, and under nails
  • Rinsing hands with water and drying completely with a single-use towel
  • Using a paper towel to turn off the faucet


Hand-washing sinks will be placed in convenient locations in all patient care areas. Alcohol-based hand rubs may be used when hands are not visibly soiled, but hand washing with soap and water is preferred in most situations.


Glove Use:

Gloves act as an important barrier to prevent contamination, but they must be used properly to be effective. Gloves will be worn for potential contact with blood, body fluids, mucous membranes, non-intact skin, or contaminated equipment. However, gloves do not replace the need for hand hygiene. Hands must be properly washed or sanitized before donning gloves and after removing them. Gloves will be removed promptly after use and disposed of as medical waste.


Isolation Precautions

For patients with known or suspected infections that are transmitted by airborne or contact routes, isolation precautions will be used. This includes placing patients in private rooms, using personal protective equipment like gowns and masks, and dedicated or disposable patient care equipment. All staff will receive training on the proper selection and use of transmission-based precautions based on the specific infectious agent.


By diligently following these evidence-based practices, healthcare-associated infections can be significantly reduced. Patient safety depends on the infection prevention measures implemented by all members of the healthcare team, including nurses, physicians, and support staff. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of practices will be needed to ensure compliance and optimal outcomes.

To reduce falls and harm from falls, several measures should be implemented. Upon patient admission, nurses should conduct a fall risk assessment to identify patients at high risk of falling. This includes evaluating factors like mobility, cognition, elimination needs, and medication side effects. For high-risk patients, interventions like closer monitoring, bed alarms, non-skid socks, and physical therapy consults should be put in place.


The physical environment plays a key role in patient safety. Ensure call bells or nurse call buttons are within easy reach of patients. Keep bedrails up and locked when patients are in bed. Install adequate lighting, especially for pathways to bathrooms. Non-skid flooring, grab bars, and raised toilet seats facilitate safer mobility and transfers.


A culture of safety starts with leadership and involves all staff. Fall prevention protocols and best practices should be clearly communicated and followed. Report and analyze all falls to determine root causes and make improvements. Consider a falls committee to evaluate risks, develop new strategies, and ensure a consistent approach across units.


Reducing harm from falls requires diligence and a multi-pronged approach. Conducting risk assessments, optimizing the environment, educating stakeholders, and fostering a culture of safety are all integral parts of an effective fall prevention program. With teamwork and vigilance, patient falls and related injuries can be minimized.


To enhance medication safety and reduce errors, New Zealand’s new nursing standards emphasize several key practices.


Double-Checking Medications: before administering them is critical. As a nurse, you should always verify the medication name, dosage, route, and patient against the original prescription. This helps ensure the right patient receives the right medication in the right amount and correct form.

Using Barcode Scanning: When available, utilize barcode scanning technology to verify medications at the bedside. Barcode scanning systems can detect errors and prevent adverse drug events by confirming the “five rights”: right patient, drug, dose, route, and time. Studies show barcode scanning reduces medication administration errors by up to 41%.


Double-Checking High-Alert Medications: Exercise extra caution when handling high-alert medications, which have a high risk of causing harm if misused. These include opioids, sedatives, anticoagulants, and insulin. Always double-check high-alert medications before administering them. Consider having another nurse independently verify high-alert medications as an additional precaution.

Reporting Medication Errors: If a medication error does occur, report it immediately to the appropriate clinical staff. Reporting errors, especially those that cause harm, is essential for improving system safeguards and preventing future mistakes. A culture of open communication and non-punitive error reporting is vital for enhancing medication safety.


By rigorously following these best practices for safe medication administration, nurses can significantly reduce errors and improve patient outcomes. The new nursing standards aim to cultivate this culture of safety through clear guidance and accountability.


As a nurse, you are responsible for providing the highest quality care to your patients. The new Nursing Standards taking effect in 2023 aim to strengthen this commitment to patient safety and well-being. By adhering to the updated standards around communication, documentation, medication management and more, you will have the knowledge and skills to avoid errors, reduce risk, and deliver the best outcomes. By reflecting on your own practice, participating in educational opportunities, and supporting your colleagues, you can ensure you are ready to meet the new Nursing Standards and continue advancing excellence in nursing care. To keep you updated with your professional-related latest news and standards join hands with Medfuture which is a leading health professional recruitment agency. Know more about Medfuture blogs by visiting our official website  https://www.medfuture.com.au/blog/



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Public Health Programmes Offered by General Practitioners in South Perth

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

How is New Zealand addressing Auckland's GP shortage?

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Obligations of General Practitioners living on the Gold Coast

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Rise in Payroll Tax Threatens Access to Healthcare

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Holistic Healing: The Role of General Practitioners in Wodonga

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Health Aboriginal Programme in Western Australia

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Clinical programmes and practice guidelines as a GP in Adelaide

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Community Care: General Practitioners Nurturing Health in Bendigo

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

GP Job Opportunities in Blue Mountains, AU: Elevate Your Medical Career!

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Occupational Therapy Programs: Exploring Diverse Opportunities in Sydney

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Newcastle's Emotional Landscape: A Psychologist's Guide to Wellbeing

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Mental Wellness Revolution: Trends Shaping Behavioural Therapy in 2024

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Women in Healthcare: A Day to Make a Difference - Women's Day 2024

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Rising Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Costs: Queensland's Bulk-Billing Crisis Hits Residents Hard

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

PESCI Improvements: Welcoming Changes for IMGs

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

RACGP Cheers Government's $21,000 Support Scheme for Rural GPs

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

General Practitioner Career Opportunities in Canberra

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Unveiling the New National Framework and PGY2 Requirements in 2024

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......


To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

9 in 10 psychiatrists say workforce shortages are risking patient care in Australia

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Why Choose Psychiatrist Jobs in Australia

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

ACN urges NSW government to provide greater support for nurses in healthcare shortage

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

AGPT Academic Post Program 2025 – RACGP

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Top Healthcare Professions in Australia for 2024

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

Revolutionizing Occupational Therapy in Sydney: Trends, Challenges, and Future Directions

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

CPD at a glance – 2024 Updates

To meet the New Zealand Nursing Council’s 2023 standards and provide the highest quality care, nurses must implement several important changes......

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