
POSTED ON 21-07-2023

Addressing Workplace Ergonomics: Supporting Occupational Therapists' Wellbeing in 2023

Workplace Ergonomics, Occupational Therapists, Profession Insights, OT Wellness 2023


Ergonomics is an important topic in health care today because it connects to preventative and wellness programs, which are becoming an essential aspect of many health programs as corporations strive to reduce overall health care expenses for their employees.

Occupational therapy has been used to treat patients after they have suffered a crippling injury or disease as well as in preventative and work-hardening programs. While both professions emerged from World War II, they developed in different ways, with occupational therapy having a direct connection and ergonomics emerging more recently. This essay seeks to examine ergonomics-related data.

One prevention strategy that has been around for a while is ergonomics, which, when properly applied, has produced beneficial outcomes that have demonstrated the effectiveness of occupational therapy and ergonomics. Although occupational therapy has been linked with ergonomics in a variety of ways for a while, there is still opportunity for expanding involvement. Using their ergonomics skills and those they learned throughout their occupational therapy training, occupational therapists are in a great position to work in preventative programs. In order to prevent injuries and create a safe working environment, ergonomics examines how a person is working. This is done through equipment or workplace improvements.

Numerous professions can offer services in ergonomics. Engineers with a focus on ergonomics may have a better understanding of the machinery, tools, and equipment than they do of the human body and how it functions in both health and disease. Nurses may be familiar with human physiology and how the body reacts to illness and injury, but they might not have had the modification and adaptation training necessary to know how to alter the surroundings and equipment used to prevent injuries. Before beginning ergonomic training, occupational therapists have the advantage of receiving education in activity analysis, environmental adaption strategies, and human body function.

Occupational therapists perform best as ergonomic consultants when they work as part of a team, because no one person can be an expert in every field. Management, engineers, rehabilitation professionals, and labor can all be part of this team. This enables everyone working together to accomplish the goals necessary to attain the ultimate aim - a secure working atmosphere where workers are safe, injuries are kept to a minimum, and everyone feels protected. Each member can add their knowledge and experience to ensure that all aspects of a situation are taken into account.


Occupational therapists are well qualified to operate in the field of ergonomics due to their abilities and expertise in anatomy, physiology, and activity analysis. The occupational therapist is well-equipped to facilitate the efficient return to optimal function through various recommendations, including equipment, workstation modification, education, and exercises, for employees whose ability to perform the demands of their jobs is impacted by injury, illness, or risk of injury

Occupational therapy's advantages in ergonomics

  • Home office ergonomic examinations can help you improve your performance, minimize fatigue, and avoid injury.
  • Completing evaluations to identify workplace risks and making recommendations on how to minimize these concerns
  • Offering injury prevention lessons to employee groups
  • Educating staff to detect risks on their own and adopt suitable tactics and techniques
  • Conducting customized ergonomic examinations for personnel who have been injured or illness
  • To avoid injury, modify workplace tools, equipment, and behaviors.


 Occupational therapists are professionals in offering workplace ergonomic examinations. Provide both individual ergonomic exams and cost-effective courses for groups of employees.

An ergonomic workshop includes:

  • PowerPoint presentation (containing information on typical risks for office workers, workspace necessities such a chair, desk, and computer monitor, as well as the work environment and mobility breaks) 
  • Interactive lessons and exercises
  • Workstation ergonomic self-assessment checklists

 Employers may be hesitant to implement workplace changes for a variety of reasons. Potential costs, unknown value, and the chance of taking longer to finish a task are just a few examples. Occupational therapists, on the other hand, work to involve both employees and employers in the process. If employees embrace and support the changes, the organization as a whole will profit immensely.

OTs understand how to encourage and enable behavioral changes in a business setting by addressing the physical, psychosocial, and cultural aspects of change. Sometimes goals are defined to assess the success of workplace ergonomics and indicate modifications that need to be implemented over time.

Benefits of OT in Workplace Ergonomics

Occupational therapists address workplace ergonomics in a unique way by assessing the problem as a whole. Before making any recommendations, the environment, tasks, and personal abilities are evaluated. OTs can also work independently or as part of a team that includes workers, union representatives, human resource managers, safety professionals, and medical personnel. Integrating occupational therapy with ergonomics, whether alone or as a team, has numerous advantages.

Occupational therapists can create customized intervention strategies for both individuals and groups of employees.

If a worker sustains an injury that prevents them from working, an occupational therapist may be called in. If the worker is currently attending OT sessions, the practitioner may suggest a visit to the workplace. Evaluating and changing the particular worker's surroundings can help the person return to work as soon as possible and as efficiently as possible. Individual therapies enable occupational therapists to focus on the individual needs of one employee.

Occupational therapists can offer programs and instructional materials to groups of employees to encourage wellness and injury prevention. To lower the risk of harm, they can instruct employees on how to carry out straightforward jobs in a more ergonomically sound manner. This unites the entire organization and involves everyone in risk reduction and workplace ergonomics.

Modifications can be made to prevent injuries by consulting with an occupational therapist who specializes in workplace ergonomics. This can involve the layout and arrangement of tools, machinery, and even the actions and movements of workers. For instance, heavy objects that may cause lower back pain can be slid on surfaces of equal height rather than being lifted. Custom keyboard and desk settings for each employee might also help to prevent injuries.

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense. Workplace ergonomics can save workers' compensation costs, lower staff turnover, and improve employee retention. It's likely that you will gain in the long run as an employer if you make investments in the productivity, comfort, and wellbeing of your staff.

In conclusion, ergonomics and occupational therapy are two different professions that have some similarities. Both industries should respect one another and both professions require training. In a wide range of situations, occupational therapists are well equipped to contribute to the creation and implementation of successful preventative programs. Occupational therapists could receive training in ergonomics to offer efficient preventative programs. Due to their background in human physiology, task activity analysis, disease processes, and the history of environment and equipment modification, occupational therapy is well-positioned to be an active member in the expanding field of ergonomics and prevention wellness. As caregiving takes place in offices, clinics, hospitals, and homes, ergonomics is migrating from industry into these settings and the preventative sector is currently expanding.



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Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Highest paid nursing professions in New Zealand

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Future of Health Technology in NZ Vision for 2024 and Beyond

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Becoming a licensed Psychologist in Australia. Step-by-step guide

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Exploring Physiotherapy Specialties

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Digital Health Tools for GPs: Enhancing Patient Engagement

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Diversity and Inclusion in Healthcare Recruitment

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Community Health Initiatives: GPs as Pillars of Local Wellness

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

In-Demand Skills for Healthcare Professionals in 2024

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Tracking Evolving Regulations and Standards for Online Mental Health Services in Australia

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

The most common problems in Physiotherapy

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Top Paying States for Psychologists in Australia

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Community Health in Focus: Urgent Care Across Australia

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Mental Health Nursing in Australia: Breaking Barriers in 2024

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Elevating Eco-Friendly Dental Practices and Materials

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Significance of Traditional Healing Practices in Australia.

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Paediatric Urgent Care in Australia: Tailoring Services for Kids

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Continuous professional development requirements for Dentists in Australia

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Person-Centered Care: The Core of Behavioral Therapy in 2024

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Well-being in Nursing: Strategies for Self-Care in New Zealand

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Advancing Dentistry in Australia: Telehealth and Technology Integration

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Culturally Competent Training for Healthcare Providers Serving Aboriginal Communities

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Indigenous Health and Nursing: Partnerships and Progress (NZ)

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Navigating Change: The Evolution of Behavioural Therapy in 2024

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Disparities of Oral Healthcare in Australia: Why and Solutions

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Top-Paying States for Physiotherapists in New Zealand

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Nursing Workforce Challenges in Australia: Solutions for the Future

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Paediatric Urgent Care in Australia: Tailoring Services for Kids

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Supervised Practice Guidelines in Toowoomba

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

General Practitioners Shaping Wellness in North Brisbane

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Changes to Intern Training for General Practitioners: Sunshine Coast

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Enhance Clinical Skills: Educational Workshops for Doctors in Training, South Brisbane

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Innovative Nursing: Advanced Practices and Specialisations in NZ 2024

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Involvement of GPs: Disaster Management Situation in Bay of Plenty

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Navigating General Practice Services in Christchurch

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Teamwork and Community Spirit as a GP in Wellington

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Urgent Care for Seniors: Tailored Services for an Aging Population - NZ

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Urgent Care in NZ: Mobile Units and Community Outreach

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Why are Medstudents backing off from GP practice in Sydney?

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Promising Solutions for Doctor Shortages in Albury

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Wollongong University Secures Federal Investment to Address Rural GP Crisis

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Cost of living as a GP in Port Augusta

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Public Health Programmes Offered by General Practitioners in South Perth

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

How is New Zealand addressing Auckland's GP shortage?

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Obligations of General Practitioners living on the Gold Coast

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Rise in Payroll Tax Threatens Access to Healthcare

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Holistic Healing: The Role of General Practitioners in Wodonga

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Health Aboriginal Programme in Western Australia

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Clinical programmes and practice guidelines as a GP in Adelaide

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Community Care: General Practitioners Nurturing Health in Bendigo

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

GP Job Opportunities in Blue Mountains, AU: Elevate Your Medical Career!

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Occupational Therapy Programs: Exploring Diverse Opportunities in Sydney

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Newcastle's Emotional Landscape: A Psychologist's Guide to Wellbeing

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Mental Wellness Revolution: Trends Shaping Behavioural Therapy in 2024

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Women in Healthcare: A Day to Make a Difference - Women's Day 2024

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Rising Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Costs: Queensland's Bulk-Billing Crisis Hits Residents Hard

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

PESCI Improvements: Welcoming Changes for IMGs

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

RACGP Cheers Government's $21,000 Support Scheme for Rural GPs

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

General Practitioner Career Opportunities in Canberra

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Unveiling the New National Framework and PGY2 Requirements in 2024

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......


Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

9 in 10 psychiatrists say workforce shortages are risking patient care in Australia

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Why Choose Psychiatrist Jobs in Australia

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

ACN urges NSW government to provide greater support for nurses in healthcare shortage

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

AGPT Academic Post Program 2025 – RACGP

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Top Healthcare Professions in Australia for 2024

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

Revolutionizing Occupational Therapy in Sydney: Trends, Challenges, and Future Directions

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

CPD at a glance – 2024 Updates

Employers may believe that making ergonomic adjustments will be extremely expensive. This might be the case in the short term, but expenditures over the long term can be significantly decreased. Consider workplace ergonomics as an investment rather than an expense......

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