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CPD at a glance – 2024 Updates

POSTED ON 28-03-2024

Navigating the New CPD Requirements for Medical Professionals in Australia

Revolutionizing Occupational Therapy in Sydney: Trends, Challenges, and Future Directions

POSTED ON 27-03-2024

Sydney's occupational therapy evolved from commencement with professional associations to today's tech-integrated care. This article explores current trends and offers insights into curriculum... Read More

Top Healthcare Professions in Australia for 2024

POSTED ON 25-03-2024

Discover the top 5 medical occupations in Australia for 2024, including nurses, mental health professionals, public health professionals, allied health professionals, and general practitioners. Learn... Read More

AGPT Academic Post Program 2025 – RACGP

POSTED ON 24-03-2024

The Australian Government provides funding for the curriculum known as "The Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Programme." Training medical graduates to become "Specialist General... Read More

ACN urges NSW government to provide greater support for nurses in healthcare shortage

POSTED ON 22-03-2024

?Serving the nursing community is the mission of the most well-known "Professional Association" for the nursing community in Australia, the Australian College of Nursing (ACN).The ACN extends its... Read More

How to become a Locum Doctor in Australia?

Often Locum positions request the candidate to have a provider number—a unique number you can get if you are an eligible health professional recognized for Medicare services. Locums in private practice including General Practice must have a Provider Number since you will not be able to charge patients Medicare fees for the services provided—therefore the locum role wouldn’t be viable.

5 Reasons to work as a Locum Doctor

While having the advantage of meeting many new people, grow their professional network, and work with a diverse range of patients, Locum Doctors can earn a much better income since locum work generally pays well. As a Doctor struggling to build up their bank account and lead a financially stable life or trying to pay off student medical debts, working part-time ass a locum doctor can be very helpful to earn an extra income.

How Much Can a Locum Doctor Earn in Australia?

Moreover, doctors working in the private sector are usually salaried considerably higher than those in the public sector. However, in Australia the salaries of locum doctors within the public sector are governed by several frameworks and policies in place. Take a look at these example policies —the NSW Junior Doctor Rates Policy and the QLD Health Locum arrangements and conditions.

Quick Summary of Pathways to Registration in Australia

Explore the different pathways available for International Medical Graduates to get registered in Australia. As an overseas Doctor seeking registration to practice medicine in Australia, you need to provide evidence of eligibility to undertake..

Employment Contracts and Conditions for Australian Doctors

..employment contract is what identifies the working relationship, rights and responsibilities, and expectations between the employee/independent contractor and the employer. The contract/agreement is important for both parties as it helps understand what involves in their business relationship. It similarly prevents any misunderstandings or risks associated with signing a contract.

RACGP’s Practice Experience Program (PEP) Specialist Stream

Practice Experience Program specialist stream is a 3GA program that provides structured education and peer support for International Medical Graduates (IMG) with overseas specialist qualifications.

GP demand and supply in North Western Melbourne

GPs are the most accessible medical professionals in Australia and the backbone of primary healthcare. Here are a few trends that will shape the supply and demand of GPs and the future healthcare industry in North Western Melbourne:

Reasons to relocate to Newcastle, NSW

Newcastle is a modern harbour city in the Australian state of New South Wales located at the mouth of the Hunter River, approximately 105 miles (170 km) northeast of Sydney...GPs can enjoy salary packaging benefits, flexible working arrangements, professional support staff, access to regular health and wellbeing programs, opportunities for continuous professional development as well as great team culture. A variety of non-corporate, mixed and bulk billing practices to choose from.

What is the 5 Year Overseas Trained Doctor Scheme?

By participating in the Five-Year Scheme and committing to work in remote locations in South Australia, IMGs can reduce the time restriction by three to five years.

English Language Requirements for New Zealand Doctors

Doctors, Medical Staff and Allied Health Professionals in New Zealand must Pass the Academic Module of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) by achieving above the minimum score or the Occupational English Test by achieving the minimum grade in order to be eligible for the New Zealand Registration Examination (NZREX Clinical).

Pathways to Register with the Medical Council of New Zealand

There are three major registration pathways to register with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) to practice as a GP in New Zealand. Each Scope has many application pathways to which there are varied eligibility requirements that need to be met.

New Zealand Registration Process for New Zealand and Australian Graduates (Internship not completed)

if you have not done your internship but have graduated from either New Zealand or Australia and are figuring out how to register as a medical practitioner in New Zealand...The first step is as easy as it gets, you just need to make sure...Have a primary medical school degree from Australia or New Zealand, recognized on the World Directory of Medical Schools

New Zealand Registration Process for Medical Students from countries besides New Zealand and Australia

Depending on the country of your Medical Degree, we have devised an easy manual that may help you towards registering with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ).

How to Become a Nurse in Australia

A step by step guide to becoming a qualified nurse in Australia which is a rewarding career in the healthcare sector. Becoming a nurse involves a fair amount of hard work. You need to obtain relevant qualifications and be registered in order to work as a nurse in Australia. Read on to find out more

Pursuing a Career in General Practice in Australia

In Australia General Practitioners play a huge role in the healthcare system. They must have specific talents and educational qualifications to work as a General Practitioner. Find out more about the career options for a GP and the GP doctors' support is essential to the healthcare industry.

Top 10 highest paid nursing specialties in Australia

Top 10 nursing specialties you need to consider in Australia and their annual salaries. 1. Nurse Unit Manager Average salary: $105K to $130K annually 2. Research Nurse 3. Mental Health Nurse Practitioner..

RACGP Officially Resumes GP Training

Since first announcing that the responsibility for GP training would return to the Royal Australian College of General Practice (RACGP), the Australian College of Rural and Remote (ACRRM) back in November of 2017. The RACGP proudly announced its official resumption of GP training on February 1, 2023

Australia and its acceptance of Expat Doctors

he acceptance of expat doctors in Australia is a longstanding tradition that has been crucial in addressing the country's healthcare workforce shortages. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of this practice, and the government has implemented several measures to facilitate the return of expat doctors.

The Purpose of the NDIS in Australia and how to register as an AHP

To provide services to NDIS participants as an AHP, you must first register with the NDIS Commission. The NDIS Commission is responsible for registering and regulating service providers under the NDIS.

RACGP PEP for Expat Doctors: Benefits and Program Overview

The RACGP PEP is a program that provides IMGs with supervised practice in an Australian general practice setting. The program consists of three stages, with each stage designed to help IMGs develop the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to work as a GP in Australia.

The Partially-Comparable Countries Exempted to Work in Australia: What You Need To Know

While visa programs offer opportunities for foreign nationals to work in Australia, it is important to note that individuals from partially comparable countries may face challenges due to differences in qualifications and work experience recognition. The Australian government and Medfuture recognizes this and has taken steps to address this issue.

Employment Contracts and Conditions for New Zealand Doctors in 2023

Employment contracts for doctors in New Zealand are essential to ensure that both the doctor and the employer are clear on the terms and conditions of employment. The majority of doctors in New Zealand work under CAs, which provide a standardized set of terms and conditions negotiated between DHBs and the NZRDA

The GP Demand in New Zealand: Latest Reports for 2023

By understanding the current state of demand for GPs in New Zealand and the factors contributing to the shortage, policymakers and healthcare stakeholders can develop targeted strategies to address the challenges. Ensuring an adequate and geographically balanced GP workforce is essential for providing accessible and quality primary healthcare services to all New Zealanders, regardless of their location.

The Total Study of the GP Demand as at June 2023

This paper delves into a comprehensive analysis of the present state of GP demand in New Zealand, offering an in-depth exploration of the intricate factors contributing to this persistent trend.

New Certifications and Qualifications for General Practitioners in Australia: How to Stay Current and Competitive in 2023

Here’s a look at what how you need to stay on par with the current requirements for General Practitioners in Australia.

The Challenges of Medical Recruitment in Australia

Australia's healthcare system is highly dependent on a strong and proficient medical workforce that is equipped to meet the evolving healthcare needs of the population. However, the recruitment of qualified healthcare professionals in Australia faces several challenges that require careful attention and resolution. With the increasing demand for healthcare services due to factors such as population growth, aging demographics, and the prevalence of chronic diseases, it becomes imperative to identify and overcome the obstacles that hinder effective medical recruitment in the country.

Unlocking the Potential: Exploring Australia's Rural Healthcare System and its Importance for Underserved Communities

In this research-based article, we explore the immense significance of Australia's rural healthcare system, shedding light on its current state, ongoing efforts, and the measures being taken to enhance healthcare provisions for those residing in rural and remote regions.

Navigating the Complex Landscape: The Challenges of Medical Recruitment

In the pages of this discourse, we venture into the intricate web of challenges entwining the process of medical recruitment, casting illumination upon the diverse obstacles traversed by both healthcare providers and aspiring candidates alike in their quest for a harmonious alignment.

Australia's Health Fund and Rural Healthcare: Addressing Challenges and Building a Stronger System

In this comprehensive exploration, we shall delve deep into the multifaceted issues that plague rural healthcare in Australia, the pivotal role played by Australia's Health Fund, and the transformative efforts of organizations such as Medfuture aimed at remedying these critical challenges.

From Teacher to Speech Pathologist: Here’s how to make a career change

From Teacher to Speech Pathologist: Here’s how to make a career change

What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?

What is Professional Indemnity Insurance and how it protect Medical professionals against unwanted claims

Recognized Accreditations to Work in New Zealand as an Urgent Care Doctor

Recognized Accreditations to Work in New Zealand as an Urgent Care Doctor

Postgraduate Medical Training and Specialisation Options in New Zealand

What are the Postgraduate Medical Training and Specialisation Options in New Zealand? How to apply

Telemedicine in the Post-Pandemic Era: Changing Healthcare Delivery in New Zealand

Telemedicine in the Post-Pandemic Era: Changing Healthcare Delivery in New Zealand

Nursing Shortages in New Zealand: Causes, Implications, and Solutions

Nursing Shortages in New Zealand: Causes, Implications, and Solutions Read more about health industry in New Zealand

Occupational Therapy Interventions for Aging Populations in New Zealand

Occupational Therapy Interventions for Aging Populations in New Zealand and Role of Occupational Therapy for Aging Populations

International Medical Graduates in New Zealand: Challenges and Opportunities

Learn about International Medical Graduates in New Zealand: Challenges and Opportunities

The Importance of Continuous Professional Development for New Zealand Medical Practitioners

The Importance of Continuous Professional Development for New Zealand Medical Practitioners

Highest Paying States in Australia for dentistry 2023

Curious about the best places to work as a dentist in Australia in 2023? Check out the latest data on the Highest Paying States in Australia for dentistry

Dentist Migration Guide: Qualifications, Experience and Pathways

Dentist Migration Guide to Australia Experience and Pathways

Comprehensive Guide Occupational Therapists Migrating to Australia

Embark on a fulfilling career down under! Navigate the process with our comprehensive guide for occupational therapists migrating to Australia. From qualifications to visa pathways, we've got you covered. Start your journey today!

Understanding Aboriginal Health Disparities

Explore the complexities of Aboriginal health disparities and empower yourself with insights to drive positive change. Uncover the factors, challenges, and potential solutions in our comprehensive guide to address health inequities in Aboriginal communities

Who is a Physician Assistant and How do they Work in Urgent Care?

What is the PEP Specialist Stream and its eligibility requirements?

Discover the PEP Specialist Stream and its eligibility requirements.

The scope for paediatric speech pathology in Australia: What you need to know

Unlocking Potential: Paediatric Speech Pathology in Australia | Essential Insights

The Demand for GPs in Psychiatry

Explore the increasing need for General Practitioners (GPs) in the field of psychiatry. Discover why GPs play a pivotal role in mental health

Top High-Demand Locations for Nursing Services in Australia

Discover the most sought-after regions for nursing services in Australia. Uncover prime career prospects and growth areas in the healthcare sector. Explore the demand, excel in your nursing career, and seize opportunities in these dynamic locations.

What is Cultural Competence in Aboriginal Healthcare?

Dive into the essence of cultural competence in Aboriginal healthcare. Learn why it matters, how it shapes quality care, and the impact on health outcomes. Explore the principles of understanding and respect in providing healthcare services to the Aboriginal community.

Need your medical registration to work in Australia? Here is What You Need to Know

Navigating Medical Registration in Australia: What You Must Know

Training for the Fellowship of RNZCUC: What You Need to Know

Prepare for excellence in emergency care with our specialised training for the Fellowship of RNZCUC. Explore key insights, requirements, and tips to ace the journey. Elevate your skills and join the elite ranks of healthcare professionals.

Why work for the Australian Healthcare system?

Unlock Your Career Potential: Discover the Rewards of Working in the Australian Healthcare System

Allied Health Scholarships to work as a physiotherapist for the Aboriginal Community

Empower Your Career: Secure Allied Health Scholarships for Physiotherapy in Aboriginal Communities

Is there a Specialist Pathway for Speech Pathologists?

Discover the specialised journey for speech pathologists! Learn about the Specialist Pathway

Specializations of GP in Psychiatry

Discover the power of General Practitioners (GPs) specializing in Psychiatry

Policies governing Paediatric Occupational therapy

Explore the intricate web of policies that shape Paediatric Occupational Therapy

The Potential for Nurses in Aboriginal Healthcare

Unlock the transformative role of nurses in Aboriginal healthcare.

Which country’s medical professionals can immediately work in Australia?

Explore the streamlined path for international medical professionals to practice in Australia

Are you a physiotherapist in Australia? What is your scope of practice?

Discover the ins and outs of physiotherapy practice in Australia. Explore the scope of your profession

Occupational therapy for Mental Health management

Discover the power of occupational therapy in fostering mental well-being

Navigating the Future of Healthcare: Top Nursing Trends in Australia for 2023

Embark on a journey into the future of healthcare as we unveil the top nursing trends shaping Australia in 2023

Australian Hospitals: An Overview

Explore the healthcare landscape in Australia with our in-depth overview of hospitals.

Exploring the scope of Aging and Geropsychology in Australia

Dive into the evolving landscape of Aging and Geropsychology in Australia

How Competitive is the dental industry in Australia

Dive into the evolving landscape of Aging and Geropsychology in Australia

AGPT Practice Training Programme Guidelines

Unlock the keys to success in your AGPT Practice Training with our comprehensive guidelines

Which Medical Boards Should You Register with to become a GP in Australia?

Discover the essential steps to become a General Practitioner (GP) in Australia

The Current state of New Zealand’s Pharmaceutical industry.

Dive into the latest trends and challenges shaping the pharmaceutical landscape in New Zealand

The highest paying New Zealand states for Nurses

Discover the top-paying states for nurses in New Zealand

Identifying Shortages in New Zealand's Medical Sectors

Dive into our analysis of the current landscape to identify shortages in key medical sectors across New Zealand

Highest paid Health Executive professionals in New Zealand

Explore the top echelons of healthcare leadership in New Zealand

GP workforce challenges in New Zealand 2023

Explore the current challenges shaping the General Practitioner (GP) workforce in New Zealand

Telemedicine in Dermatology: Advancements in New Zealand's Healthcare

Discover the cutting-edge developments in telemedicine within the field of dermatology in New Zealand

New pay deals struck for Tasmanian Nurses amidst job vacancies

Discover the latest developments as Tasmanian nurses successfully negotiate improved pay deals in the midst of a growing job vacancy crisis.

Evolution of Virtual rehabilitation in Australia: Trends and Insights

Explore the dynamic landscape of virtual rehabilitation in Australia

Common Health Issues in Aboriginal Youth Groups in Australia

Dive into the unique health challenges faced by Aboriginal youth in Australia

The Hierarchy of Hospital Doctors in Australia

Navigate the complex world of hospital doctors in Australia with our comprehensive guide

Utilisation of Digital Mental Health Tools by Psychologists in Australia

Discover how psychologists in Australia are revolutionising mental healthcare through the strategic use of digital

Oral health disparities in Australia.

Explore the latest findings on oral health in Australia

What is Trauma-informed Care?

Discover the power of Trauma-Informed Care – a compassionate approach revolutionizing mental health

The What and Why of Preventive Dentistry in Australia

Discover the power of preventive dentistry in Australia! Explore the what and why behind dental care that goes beyond fixing issues, promoting long-term oral healt

Positive Psychology and Well-being Interventions in Australia.

Discover the transformative power of Positive Psychology and Well-being Interventions in Australia

The scope of tele-dentistry in Australia

Explore the expanding horizons of tele-dentistry in Australia

Want to work as a Hospital Doctor in Australia? Here are 40 facts you need to know!

Embark on your medical career journey in Australia with confidence!

Accreditation and Qualifications Required to Work in a Hospital

Discover the key accreditation and qualifications needed to thrive in a hospital career.

A Comprehensive Guide for International Nurses to Work in Australia

Navigate the pathway to a rewarding career in Australia with our comprehensive guide for international nurses

Enhancing Aboriginal Health: Programs in Australia

Discover groundbreaking Aboriginal health programs in Australia, fostering community well-being and resilience

The Highest Paid Nursing Professions in Australia

Explore the highest paid nursing professions in Australia for 2023

The Scope of geriatric physiotherapy in Australia?

Discover the comprehensive landscape of geriatric physiotherapy in Australia.

The Rising Shortage of Doctors in South Australia

Explore the growing concerns surrounding the shortage of doctors in South Australia

GP for General Practice or General Physician? Why Are Doctors in Australia Getting This Wrong?

Unraveling the confusion: GP for General Practice or General Physician?

As an International Doctor – Here’s 20 Most Asked Questions about Working and Living in Australia

Navigating a medical career in Australia? Uncover the key FAQs for international doctors!

Which Rural Communities Are Looking for Doctors Right Now?

Explore opportunities to make a meaningful difference in rural communities seeking dedicated doctors

Top Paying States for Physiotherapists in Australia

Uncover the highest-paying states for physiotherapists in Australia with our insightful guide

Breaking down barriers for Aboriginal healthcare 2023

Discover how we're dismantling barriers in Aboriginal healthcare in 2023.

Navigating the Australian Healthcare Landscape: Insights for GPs in 2024

Unlock the keys to success in Australian healthcare! Explore vital insights for GPs in 2024,

Crafting a Compelling Medical Professional CV: Essential Do’s and Don'ts for Success

Aspiring medical professionals, elevate your career with a compelling CV! Discover the essential do’s and don'ts for crafting a standout resume in the competitive healthcare industry

Professional Well-being for GPs: Strategies for a Balanced Practice

Elevate your GP journey with proven strategies for professional well-being! Explore a balanced practice, boost job satisfaction, and prioritise self-care

Navigating Your First Medical Field Interview: Essential Do's and Don'ts for Beginners

Prepare for success in your first medical field interview with our essential do's and don'ts guide.

Latest Trends in Physiotherapy

Stay ahead in the field of physiotherapy with insights into the latest trends

Emergency Doctor Salaries in New Zealand: What to Expect in 2024

Explore the anticipated salaries for Emergency Doctors in New Zealand in 2024

Understanding Why health care Professionals Are Relocating to New Zealand

Explore the reasons drawing healthcare professionals to New Zealand

How to register as a general practitioner in New Zealand

Navigating the registration process as a General Practitioner in New Zealand made it easy

Optimal Pay for Occupational Therapists Highest-Paid Settings Revealed

Explore the salary landscapes for Occupational Therapists as we uncover the highest-paid settings

Highest paid nursing professions in New Zealand

Uncover the most lucrative nursing careers in New Zealand.

Future of Health Technology in NZ Vision for 2024 and Beyond

Explore the exciting future of health technology in New Zealand

Becoming a licensed Psychologist in Australia. Step-by-step guide

Unlock the path to becoming a licensed psychologist in Australia with our comprehensive guide

Exploring Physiotherapy Specialties

Discover the diverse world of physiotherapy specialties

Digital Health Tools for GPs: Enhancing Patient Engagement

Discover the latest Digital Health Tools designed for General Practitioners (GPs)

Diversity and Inclusion in Healthcare Recruitment

Explore innovative strategies for fostering diversity and inclusion in healthcare recruitment

Community Health Initiatives: GPs as Pillars of Local Wellness

Discover the pivotal role of General Practitioners in fostering local wellness. Explore community health initiatives that leverage GPs as pillars of support for vibrant, healthier neighborhoods. Learn how collaborative efforts enhance healthcare accessibility and promote well-being.

In-Demand Skills for Healthcare Professionals in 2024

Stay ahead in the dynamic world of healthcare! Explore the in-demand skills essential for healthcare professionals in 2024

Tracking Evolving Regulations and Standards for Online Mental Health Services in Australia

Stay informed on the latest regulations and standards for online mental health services in Australia

The most common problems in Physiotherapy

Explore effective solutions for prevalent challenges in physiotherapy

Top Paying States for Psychologists in Australia

Discover the key to financial success in the field of psychology! Explore the highest-paying states for psychologists in Australia in 2024.

Community Health in Focus: Urgent Care Across Australia

Navigate the landscape of community health with our in-depth focus on urgent care services across Australia.

Mental Health Nursing in Australia: Breaking Barriers in 2024

Join the movement towards transformative mental health nursing in Australia

Elevating Eco-Friendly Dental Practices and Materials

Transform your dental care routine sustainably! Dive into the world of eco-friendly dentistry

Significance of Traditional Healing Practices in Australia.

Dive into the profound world of traditional healing in Australia, where ancient practices meet modern significance

Paediatric Urgent Care in Australia: Tailoring Services for Kids

Discover the latest advancements in paediatric urgent care services in Australia.

Continuous professional development requirements for Dentists in Australia

Explore the imperative Continuous Professional Development (CPD) requirements for dentists in Australia

Person-Centered Care: The Core of Behavioral Therapy in 2024

Discover the transformative power of person-centred care in behavioural therapy as we navigate the landscape of mental health in 2024

Well-being in Nursing: Strategies for Self-Care in New Zealand

Explore strategies for nurse well-being in New Zealand, emphasising self-care and mental health.

Advancing Dentistry in Australia: Telehealth and Technology Integration

Discover the future of dentistry in Australia with our groundbreaking approach. Explore the seamless integration of telehealth and cutting-edge technologies, transforming the way dental care is delivered.

Culturally Competent Training for Healthcare Providers Serving Aboriginal Communities

Learn how crucial it is for medical professionals working with Aboriginal communities to have cultural competence training

Indigenous Health and Nursing: Partnerships and Progress (NZ)

Explore the ongoing challenges and progress in Indigenous M?ori health and nursing in New Zealand

Navigating Change: The Evolution of Behavioural Therapy in 2024

Discover the latest research and trends in behavioural therapy in 2024. Learn about the most effective techniques and strategies for improving mental health and well-being.

Disparities of Oral Healthcare in Australia: Why and Solutions

Explore the root causes behind oral healthcare disparities in Australia and discover actionable solutions to bridge the gaps

Top-Paying States for Physiotherapists in New Zealand

Top 3 Highest Paying Cities for Physiotherapists in NZ - Salaries, Jobs & Relocation Guide

Nursing Workforce Challenges in Australia: Solutions for the Future

Explore the complexities of Australia's nursing shortage and the National Nursing Workforce Strategy.

Paediatric Urgent Care in Australia: Tailoring Services for Kids

Examine the significance of specialised paediatric urgent care in Australia, which caters to the particular medical requirements of kids

Supervised Practice Guidelines in Toowoomba

Discover Toowoomba's supervised practice guidelines for international medical graduates

General Practitioners Shaping Wellness in North Brisbane

explore the holistic healthcare approach of General Practitioners (GPs) in North Brisbane,

Changes to Intern Training for General Practitioners: Sunshine Coast

Changes to Intern Training for General Practitioners: Sunshine Coast

Enhance Clinical Skills: Educational Workshops for Doctors in Training, South Brisbane

Enhance Clinical Skills: Educational Workshops for Doctors in Training, South Brisbane

Innovative Nursing: Advanced Practices and Specialisations in NZ 2024

Explore the transformative landscape of nursing in New Zealand in 2024

Involvement of GPs: Disaster Management Situation in Bay of Plenty

Level of involvement of GPs in disaster management in Bay of Plenty

Navigating General Practice Services in Christchurch

Figuring out the intricacies of General Practice in Christchurch

Teamwork and Community Spirit as a GP in Wellington

The community that GPs in Wellington are part of in their a high community spirit

Urgent Care for Seniors: Tailored Services for an Aging Population - NZ

Urgent Care for Seniors in NZ: Tailored Healthcare Services, Medfuture Opportunities

Urgent Care in NZ: Mobile Units and Community Outreach

Exploring New Zealand’s transformative landscape in urgent care along with the various careers offered

Why are Medstudents backing off from GP practice in Sydney?

Reasons behind the low enrolment of GPs in Sydney

Promising Solutions for Doctor Shortages in Albury

Solutions for doctor shortages in Albury | Collaborating with different organisations to address doctor shortages in Albury and across Australia

Wollongong University Secures Federal Investment to Address Rural GP Crisis

A detailed picture of how Wollongong University had addressed the rural GP crisis

Cost of living as a GP in Port Augusta

Discover the GP lifestyle in Port Augusta! Unveiling the cost of living for physicians, making informed decisions for a fulfilling professional & personal life.

Public Health Programmes Offered by General Practitioners in South Perth

The Different Types of Wellness Schemes Offered by South Perth’s General Practitioners

How is New Zealand addressing Auckland's GP shortage?

New Zealand is addressing the shortage of General Practitioners in Auckland by adopting a series of innovative solutions.

Obligations of General Practitioners living on the Gold Coast

Discover lucrative General Practitioner opportunities on the Gold Coast openings. Uncover the right GP job by understanding preferences, researching employers, and considering relocation.

Rise in Payroll Tax Threatens Access to Healthcare

As the debate over payroll tax intensifies in Victoria, the potential consequences for the healthcare system are coming into sharp focus. Recent surveys carried out by NewsGP shed light on the concerns that surround the rise of payroll tax in relation to the whole healthcare system.

Holistic Healing: The Role of General Practitioners in Wodonga

How Wodonga’s General Practitioners incorporate holistic and conventional medicine into general medicine when providing treatment to their patients

Health Aboriginal Programme in Western Australia

Explore the transformative Health Aboriginal Programme in Western Australia, delving into its core values, collaborative strategies, and the impactful Health Aboriginal Cadetship Programme

Clinical programmes and practice guidelines as a GP in Adelaide

Navigating Healthcare Excellence: Clinical Programmes and Practice Guidelines for General Practitioners in Adelaide

Community Care: General Practitioners Nurturing Health in Bendigo

How Bendigo’s General Practitioners Are Emphasising Good Health? They happen to focus on factors such as Being the Pillar of Healthcare, Promoting Community Well-being, and Bringing in Positive Change

GP Job Opportunities in Blue Mountains, AU: Elevate Your Medical Career!

Career as a General Practitioner in Blue Mountains-Australia, job opportunities as well as living and working in the region with the essential criteria.

Occupational Therapy Programs: Exploring Diverse Opportunities in Sydney

Explore the unparalleled benefits of studying Occupational Therapy in Sydney, from specialised programmes and professional accreditation to dedicated educators and cutting-edge facilities.

Newcastle's Emotional Landscape: A Psychologist's Guide to Wellbeing

A Psychologist’s journey through the Emotional Ecosystem of Newcastle, brings out the various factors that have an impact on the overall well-being of mental health

Mental Wellness Revolution: Trends Shaping Behavioural Therapy in 2024

Discover 2024’s Behavioural Therapy trends in the mental wellness revolution and empowering individuals in mental health.

Women in Healthcare: A Day to Make a Difference - Women's Day 2024

Discover how Medfuture is championing women in healthcare, offering career guidance and opportunities to address gender disparities. Join us to make a significant impact.

Rising Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Costs: Queensland's Bulk-Billing Crisis Hits Residents Hard

Amidst Queensland's bulk-billing crisis, over 100 GP clinics vanish, raising out-of-pocket healthcare costs. Learn about strategies to address the dilemma and find job opportunities with Medfuture, a premier healthcare recruitment agency in Australia.

PESCI Improvements: Welcoming Changes for IMGs

Discover how the improvements undertaken by the RACGP to PESCI have been a great benefit for IMGs

RACGP Cheers Government's $21,000 Support Scheme for Rural GPs

Discover how the new $21,000 support scheme for rural GPs enhances healthcare in remote areas. Explore job opportunities for qualified professionals with Medfuture and contribute to thriving communities

General Practitioner Career Opportunities in Canberra

Explore general practitioner career potential in Canberra, Australia! Get to know why you should choose Canberra to practice your GP profession.

Unveiling the New National Framework and PGY2 Requirements in 2024

Explore the intricacies of Australia's New National Framework for PGY2 Medical Training in 2024, including PGY2 requirements, training options, and key implementation details.


Modern technology has developed in several means, the clinical as well as medical care area in the previous century. As healthcare innovations remain to advance the function of allied wellness specialists in the healthcare systems have come to be extra crucial gradually. Subsequently, from enhanced functional performance to the criteria in person treatment, medical care changes with modern technology as well as advancement has improved the general experience for both individuals and experts. In this blog article, we will explore the impact of emerging technologies on allied health jobs today, from the fundamental understanding of these professions to the latest developments in their future.

9 in 10 psychiatrists say workforce shortages are risking patient care in Australia

The ongoing Australian workforce crisis has taken a dramatic turn as it has now started to affect the patient care system in the country. A distressing piece of information broadcasted by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP), based on a nationwide survey, has revealed that 93% of Australian psychiatrists vehemently believe that the crisis is corroding the patient care system in an alarming manner.

Why Choose Psychiatrist Jobs in Australia

Explore the reasons why psychiatrist positions in hospitals are highly supported and sought out after by the Australian government.

ACN urges NSW government to provide greater support for nurses in healthcare shortage

?Serving the nursing community is the mission of the most well-known "Professional Association" for the nursing community in Australia, the Australian College of Nursing (ACN).The ACN extends its support by following values like integrity, clinical expertise, ethical conduct and professionalism. In addition to these, the institution upholds its standards through the following six dimensions

AGPT Academic Post Program 2025 – RACGP

The Australian Government provides funding for the curriculum known as "The Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Programme." Training medical graduates to become "Specialist General Practitioners/Specialist Medical Practitioners" is the main goal of this curriculum. In other words, the course is a pathway to becoming a General Practitioner (GP); Registrars who complete this curriculum have the advantage of functioning as a GP anywhere across the nation without direct supervision. The Government funds 1,500 training places annually and uses the GP colleges to deliver this programme.

Top Healthcare Professions in Australia for 2024

Discover the top 5 medical occupations in Australia for 2024, including nurses, mental health professionals, public health professionals, allied health professionals, and general practitioners. Learn about their perks and government support.

Revolutionizing Occupational Therapy in Sydney: Trends, Challenges, and Future Directions

Sydney's occupational therapy evolved from commencement with professional associations to today's tech-integrated care. This article explores current trends and offers insights into curriculum updates, challenges, and opportunities.

CPD at a glance – 2024 Updates

Navigating the New CPD Requirements for Medical Professionals in Australia

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